Womens Medical Centre
Dr Peta Concannon
Practice Policy
07 5520 6244
Caring for Women through All Stages of Life

Our Practice Policy
Please help us to help you by reading and understanding our Practice Policy.
Review of Pathology and Radiology:
You need to return for review of any pathology or radiology tests that are ordered.
Prescription Repeats:
You need to see me when you require repeat prescriptions.
You need to be seen if you need a referral to a Medical Specialist, Psychologist or Allied Health Professional.
We are a Private Practice and are able to provide a more personalised women’s health service than many GP practices are able to offer. Please check when making your appointment about our current fees and methods of payment.
Your appointment:
To help us ensure the smooth running of our practice, we need you to arrive on time.
Please notify us in advance if you are unable to attend.
Womens Medical Centre Gold Coast
We are located at Suite 12, Level 1, “Burleigh Square”,
79 West Burleigh Road, Burleigh Heads, Queensland, 4220.
For an Appointment 07 5520 6244.